Woman purchasing coffee with her payment card.Woman purchasing coffee with her payment card.

Accept payments for less

Pricematepay makes it easier for all businesses to accept card and digital payments, all while minimizing the processing fees that cut into your margins.

The technology you need and the prices you deserve; that's the Pricematepay promise.

Create and pay hosted invoices and recurring subscriptions on desktop and mobile devicesCreate and pay hosted invoices and recurring subscriptions on desktop and mobile devices


With billing solutions like hosted invoices and recurring subscriptions, you get paid on your terms, on time, anytime.

Accept deposits, create charges and return refunds from any internet connected device.Accept deposits, create charges and return refunds from any internet connected device.

Virtual Terminal

Our virtual terminal gives your business the freedom to create charges of any size, anywhere, at any time, no invoices required.

Integrate payment functionality to websites and software without worrying about compliance.Integrate payment functionality to websites and software without worrying about compliance.


Take advantage of Pricematepay Gateway API to easily integrate payment functionality into your own website or software.

Latest in-person physical handheld terminals.Latest in-person physical handheld terminals.


With a variety of powerful handheld terminals, we help make in-person purchases for your business a breeze.

Sales people standing by to assist in business success.Sales people standing by to assist in business success.

Ready to start getting paid?

We help businesses compare and activate the best payment processing options for in-store and online sales.

Lower fees. Smarter tech. And a bigger bottom line.